Victoria Jones Taylor

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Victoria Jones-Taylor’s footprint was outlined in Los Angeles, California, but her ever-changing steps were engraved on the searing streets of Las Vegas, NV, known as home. Much like today, growing up, she was a homebody who enjoyed relaxing in a peaceful environment. Although, during family gatherings, she would happily trade her quiet demeanor for the center stage and a microphone hairbrush at the first sound of music. Noteworthy in her desire to redo her sibling’s chores to her liking, she now finds herself decorating weddings and all occasion family functions.

She attended the Southern Nevada Vocational Technical Center (Vo-Tech), where she was introduced to works of imaginative literature. As a former library assistant, she had the rare opportunity to work at the elementary school where she first fell in love with the world of fiction.

Her debut novel, “Loving Isaiah God’s Way,” actively triangles a romantic love affair between what the heart desires, what God ordained, and the arresting effects of having faith. Based on her 30-year experience of loving one man, she believes that loving God’s way is the result when love surrenders to the discerning power of emotional intelligence